SKF 5068 LDS & Small Bore Seal, R Lip Code, CRW1 Style, Inch, 0.5" Shaft Diameter, 1.124" Bore Diameter, 0.25" Width

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SKF 5068 LDS & Small Bore Seal, R Lip Code, CRW1 Style, Inch, 0.5" Shaft Diameter, 1.124" Bore Diameter, 0.25" Width

Product Type :Bearings And Bushings
Package Dimensions :6.35 Cms L X6.604 Cms W X1.777 Cms H
Country Of Origin :United States
Package Quantity :1
_0.32 ounces
_9.84 x 0.25 x 3.94 inches

Categories:Industrial & Scientific,Hydraulics, Pneumatics & Plumbing,Seals & O-Rings,Seals,Lip Seals


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